A glimpse of infinity can be a glance into your soul.

Imagine the infinity beyond the shores of our Earth. How far can we dream?


Light, the messenger between stars, and the yardstick of eternity.

Worlds forever locked in their bead of time. Who will ever cross the rift of time?


Frozen in time.

Millenia pass and the star constellations still look the same.

—— Thumee in First Light Rising

“Even the closest stars created their light decades ago. It travelled through all space for the vanity moment of being seen by my eyes. I am staring back at the oldest of the stars near the centre of the galaxy, and I know that I am peering 30,000 years into the past.”


Quo vadis, homines?

—— Tom Wright in First Light Leading

Dinosaurs reigned Earth for 120 million years. Humans started settling 10,000 years ago, began scratching symbols into clay 5,000 years ago, invented the steam engine 309 years ago, discovered radio communication 125 years ago, travelled into outer space and set foot on the moon 52 years ago.


“When you have lived for 100,000 years, crossed the emptiness between stars and have seen a lifespan of loved ones pass in a blink of an eye, then there is no other way than to love life itself.”

— Kindred of Old

Follow the discussions enfold from basic science to the discovery of immortal life.


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